Thursday, August 11, 2016

Presentation practice and Milford Visit

This week was full of learning experiences for me. Monday was the intern's practice for their presentations for next week. It was great to see everyone's project coming along and to learn about the different topics. This was a great experience for us because we were able to get constructive criticism on our project without feeling attacked. It was good to hear some compliments on my topic, presentation and speaking abilities. Like everyone, I do get nervous before a speech like that, but I am usually able to keep on track, stay focused and complete the speech with little "ums" or "uhs". With some suggestions from the fellow interns and others present, I made some changes that will make the presentation better. I still have some practice to do so the speech comes more natural and I know when and what to say for each slide.
On Wednesday I visited Riley and Chris out in Milford. It is very interesting to see the level of security that GM has in order to keep their future cars secret. Upon entry to the special Contractors Gate, I had to cover up the cameras on my phone and laptop. This was also the only gate that I was allowed to enter/exit because I did not have a badge. I had to park outside the gate and Riley had to pick me up. Another thing that GM does to keep their cars secret is they have black and white swirls painted on the cars for camouflage to make it harder to identify the style lines and curves of the cars that are still a few years out. I have seen these out driving around before, but I did not know what they purpose was until Riley pointed it out to me.
After getting the safety orientation for the Milford Proving Grounds, Riley took me around to a few different jobs Ideal had around campus. We went out to lunch with Chris at a Bar-B-Q joint in downtown Milford, and after that Riley and I accompanied Chris to is weekly safety/progress meeting on a large renovation project that he was working on. It was cool to see a larger project that you don't typically get to see while working PDPM. Before the meeting Chris took the two of us around the project and showed us some difficulties that they had faced.

This is a sample of the paint covering concept cars.
Don't worry though! this is a close up from a picture I found in the internet.

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